Friday, October 1, 2010

Photos don't do her justice...

Rini's getting her beauty sleep
The photos of Rini's belly really don't do her justice. She is as big as a house! Every day she gets bigger and bigger.

I was looking at photos of Chippy's pregnancy and Chippy was bigger at this stage, but she's a much bigger dog overall. Rini is so petite that any extra weight shows on her.

She's still very active and dashing around the yard playing with Viola and Henry, so it's not slowing her down any, but she is taking a lot of naps. We're taking her for daily walks to keep her in shape so when she's in labor she'll have the stamina to make it through the whole ordeal, especially if she has lots of puppies like her mother, Juliet, whose last litter was 12 live puppies. Yowzer!!

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