Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's sinking in...

Day 40
It's sinking in that in about three weeks I'm going to have little tiny miniature whippets in the house again and life will be turned upside down. I'm very excited, but also nervous. What if something goes wrong during the whelping? What if Rini needs a c-section? There are so many things to worry about ... but in the end everything works out and as long as mommy and babies are happy and healthy everything is fine.

Rini is happy as a clam getting anything she wants to eat. This week she decided she likes canned food and kibble separated and would rather they not be in the same bowl. She's so crazy ... but I'll do anything to make sure she eats a nutritious meal and she knows that =)  She's a little princess and a diva but she makes my world complete so I do whatever it takes to make her happy. She's such a little drama queen too, if she's rejecting dinner she'll either turn away disdainfully like, "how could you insult me so?" or she'll look at the food, look at me, look at the food, and let out a huge SIGHHH... crazy whippet!!

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