Monday, October 25, 2010

Counting down ... or are we?

Rini chillin' on her chair
Day 58

Well, Miss Rini started out the day with a temp of 99.3 -- a good sign that her temp was starting to drop. Throughout the day it hovered around 99-99.6ish. Just now (at 11:20pm) it was 100.2 -- so I guess her temp's not dropping yet. She says, "Come on, I've got all week, I'm in no rush!" so I guess we're doing things on her time. =)

I'm posting a photo I took tonight, of her relaxing on her armchair. I made the fluffy bed she's lying on. I don't sew a LOT but I do enjoy sewing for the dogs sometimes. I've made some simple coats, collars, and beds now and then.

So I guess we're just settling in and waiting for Rini to show some signs that she's ready. As I said on Facebook ... it's going to be a loooong week.

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