Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another couple of photos...

Rini wants to know
why she is still awake.
Because I'm excited and I can't help posting a few more photos of Miss Reeners... here you go. =)

Her temp is still in the normal range. Today we took it four times, according to the new protocol. We'll be "on high alert" when it gets down to the 97 range. Today's temps were 100.0, 99.9, 99.7, and 99.5 so a slow gradual drop but nothing scary. Tomorrow we'll take it first thing in the morning and three more times.

So far her appetite is great and she's still getting plenty of exercise although she doesn't feel like it. I took her for a 1/2 mile walk in the evening when it was nice and cool. She was quite chipper!! I'm going to try 3/4 mile tomorrow and see how she does with that.

I'd like to have her doing a mile a day. I was doing two miles a day with her up until about a week ago when she said she'd rather sleep. But I think she'll enjoy it now that the temperature is down and it feels so good outside.

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