Thursday, September 30, 2010

Her belly just keeps growing...

DAY 33

Rini's belly photo - day 33
Well there is definitely no doubt now that Rini's belly is expanding. We're starting to guess how many puppies. I say 12, Derek says 9.

We're going to have Rini x-rayed a week before the babies are due and we'll know within one or two approximately how many to expect.
X-rays are more reliable than ultrasounds for canine pregnancies because it is much easier to count the skulls and spines in an x-ray. They look like tiny apples and zippers. You just match up the number of apples and zippers.

Fully-formed miniature dogs...

Rini relaxing in comfort
According to the whelping calendar, Rini's babies are now about the size of large walnuts, and they are fully-formed miniature dogs. Her abdomen is starting to expand (check!) and I should start to increase her food ration slightly (check!). Around Oct 11th I should be able to feel the babies easily.

This past weekend we were at the Timbreblue Reunion and Mom (Sharyn Hutchens) tried to feel them and she said she thought she felt something. With whippets it's easier because they don't carry much fat at all.

I told you Henry loves his bunny!

Henry & Bunny
New photo of Daddy Henry adoring his bunny. Really he is easy to please. He just wants somewhere comfy to sit, and his bunny.

That's my crazy leopard print dress he is lying on. Hey, everyone wears crazy stuff sometimes... right??

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rini's brother Cobalt

Photo by Holly
Ricker Curran
This is Rini's brother Cobalt, photo taken at the Timbreblue Reunion on Saturday. Isn't he lovely!!

Cobalt is owned by Stephanie and Jamie Odom of Florida, and he's very intelligent and sweet just like his sister. He was one of three blue "triplets" born in the Gemstone litter by Juliet and Blue. The other "triplet" is Rainey, who is owned by Carrie Jubb and Chris Elledge of Virginia. We were able to reunite the triplets at the Timbreblue Reunion this weekend!!

Rini is a little bit grumpy...

DAY 31

She's had a short temper with the other dogs, and they don't understand when we try to explain about hormones and the birds & bees... Viola just says that Rini better snap out of it, and the boys get their feelings hurt.

We're definitely noticing an expanding waistline, and her appetite is endless, although she gets full on less food at each meal. Pretty soon I'm going to switch her to 3 or 4 small meals spread through the day. I'm glad she's over her morning sickness.

Getting Rini to take her folic acid tablet is a daily challenge. She doesn't like the taste of it. I started out just tossing it in with her food, and she'd eat it, but she's wise to that now and picks around it. So I tried putting it in a Pill Pocket (which is a piece of tasty meaty flavored putty that you can wrap pills in) but she quickly caught on that the smell of a Pill Pocket means there is a PILL INSIDE so I am trying to think of new strategies. I think our next step is to wrap it in a piece of cheese. She is nuts for cheese!

Monday, September 27, 2010

New belly photo!

DAY 30

We've officially hit the HALFWAY POINT! We're on day #30 now and Rini is feeling great. We just got home from the annual Timbreblue Reunion in Harrisonburg, Virginia and she had a great time.

She was impatient with Chippy's young puppies but figured out pretty quickly that they don't know how to jump up on the hotel room bed and she does ... so she retreated to the pillows and I wrapped her up in a blanket so she could glare at the puppies from afar.

I have some bad news for her, some puppies are in her future... LOL!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Henry loves his bunny...

Henry with his bunny
Daddy Henry's favorite toy in the Whole Wide World is his little bunny. I've attached a photo of sweet Henry with his bunny. He loves his bunny soooo much and he gets very sad if another dog plays with it. He isn't an aggressive dog, so he doesn't try to take it back, he just stares at me very sadly and looks over at the other dog and back at me. "Pleeeease Mommy, get my bunny back..." and I always do. =)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Henry was so good!

Daddy Henry
We took Henry to the Timbreblue family reunion this weekend and he was a perfect gentleman! We weren't sure how he was going to react to a huge dog park full of other whippets but he was absolutely wonderful. I was running around helping to organize the reunion most of the day, and he stuck right by my side.

He was friendly with other dogs, and the ONE time I heard him growl was a very small minor growl when a younger male got up in his face and was bugging him. I told him to cut it out and he quit immediately. I think that's quite good for an intact stud dog who is not used to a lot of other males. He's not "sharp" with other males the way a lot of intact males are. I'm very happy with his temperament!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feeling much better now...

DAY 26

Thank goodness, it seems like Rini's morning sickness is pretty much over. She's eating regular meals now, where a few days ago she was skipping every other meal and never wanted breakfast. I was worried about her getting enough nutrients for the babies. Right now she is growing organs for the babies so it's critical that she have a balanced diet with enough of everything.
Rini's belly on day 26

She's starting to put on weight gradually, which is what we want to see in a whippet momma-to-be. Her tuck-up is filling in, and she's looking a tad chubby =)  I have been reassuring her that she is gorgeous as always. She is always eager for any leftover bit of chicken from our dinner or a little yogurt.

She's sleeping a LOT so she must be going through that pregnancy phase where you are simply exhausted all the time. Lots of photo ops, I am attaching a "belly photo" and a photo of her sleeping, taken today.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is she or isn't she?

DAY 24

Well it's getting close to the time when we will know if Rini is truly pregnant or not. Her nipples are enlarged, and she's starting to turn down breakfast, which could indicate morning sickness. We'll know for sure if she throws up, that is usually a dead giveaway.

It LOOKS LIKE her belly is a little bigger, especially up under her ribs, which is where the baby bump usually starts. She's been a little moody lately and clingy, which is also associated with pregnancy hormones.

Of course we've been giving her a daily folic acid tablet with her food, along with omega 3 and vitamin E gelcaps. I've also been trying to give her additional fish with her dinner whenever possible to increase the omega 3 content.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big belly ... my girl's got it ...

DAY 21

First belly pic attached ... she's starting to fill out a little bit, and since I dropped her food from one cup per day to 3/4 cup the only way she's putting on weight is if she's preggers. She seems to be lying on her back a lot more lately and sleeping on the floor more. She's a little more clingy and seems more affectionate, but maybe I'm imagining that...?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A little about Henry...


We got Henry from Debbie Butt of Sporting Fields Whippets in 2009. Henry is "Sporting Fields Move On" son of Ch Sporting Fields Live On. Every dog or bitch in his pedigree for three generations is a champion. He himself has 14 points, one major, in limited AKC showing. It takes two majors to get a championship in AKC.

He has gorgeous movement, is very elegant, and has beautiful lines. He has a gorgeous head and expression. If I was to improve on him, I'd give him a better topline and better rear angulation, both of which Rini has! So it's a match made in heaven.

As far as temperament, Henry is a dream. He is SWEET sweet sweet and so affectionate. It's hard to believe he is a stud dog, because he is so easy to live with. He gets along great with our other male dog, Chase, and he is friendly and playful with all of the dogs in our household. It's hard to believe he was raised in a show kennel since he is so well-adjusted and easy to live with. He crates well, he eats great, and he's a happy-go-lucky dog all around. He's even picked up obedience training quickly and easily and is eager to learn new things.