Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gracie at home

Here's Miss Gracie! She was Darcy in our litter, and is happily leading the way for her little brother Jethro in her household. We hear she's just as spirited and smart as she always was at home with us.

Gracie at 5 months old

Fiona at home

Fiona is still Fiona, still thinks she is the cutest thing in the world, and we don't contradict her. She's at home here at Timbreblue in South Carolina with Jo and Derek.

Fiona with her daddy Derek in SC

Milo at home

Milo is the center of attention in his household in Maryland! Here's a photo of his photogenic little self. He poses pretty well, I think he's used to the camera.

Milo at home in Maryland

Sephie at home

This is "Sephie" aka "Persephone" who was Anya. She is loving life being the center of attention for Tori and Adrien and her Corgi brother Sky.

Sephie at home in Virginia