Sunday, November 28, 2010

New puppy photos -- four weeks old!

Hi guys, the puppies are four weeks old now. They are fun fun fun! They've got a good handle on how to play, and when they're awake they love to spend their time terrorizing their brothers and sisters. They're also very sweet, and they love to cuddle. Their little faces are so precious I just want to kiss them all the time!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I have some week three photos to post ... see below. We DO still have a couple of puppies available from this litter, so if you are interested, please see our website. We have both boys and girls since Rini was thoughtful enough to have five girls and five boys! She is a really sweet whippet. =)

Enjoy the photos, more coming soon!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Puppies growing every day!

We have been SO happy with the puppies, they are growing every single day, nursing like crazy, and sleeping very well. I get up a few times every night with them and rearrange a pup or two, convince Rini to nurse instead of sleeping in the bed (that's a tough sell) and check the temperature in the box. I always go back to bed smiling.

We do have a couple of puppies still available, none of them have been "assigned" yet because we ask families to wait until their personalities start to express themselves before they pick their puppies. Let me know if you're interested.

You can view photos and videos of the puppies here:
Week One:

Week Two:


Thursday, November 4, 2010

New puppy pictures!!

New baby pictures from week one. The babies are all doing really well and gaining weight steadily. Five of them are over a pound already!

We are so thrilled with our new Timbreblue family members who will be taking their puppies home in January. I just love getting to know new families and seeing them take their new puppies home and enjoy them.

Here are the new photos.