Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Rini attended her first NOTRA (oval racing) event in Camden, South Carolina on October 21, 2012. She was introduced to racing slowly, the proper way to train a dog. First we showed her the lure (a faux fox tail and a plastic bag that is tied to a line connected to pulleys and a motor, to make it zip along in front of the dogs). Then we let her chase the lure a short distance and catch it. Next it was time to introduce the starting box -- with the doors wide open the first few times.

After Rini was comfortable with the starting box, we closed the doors and tried a "real" race. At first she was confused, but once she saw another dog run, everything clicked and she absolutely understood. Rini was loaded into the box, a friend's dog was loaded into box #3, the doors closed ... the signal was given ... the lure zipped forward, doors opened with a BANG and they were off! Rini knew exactly what to do!

She raced the entire oval, a good distance behind the experienced race dog, but giving it her all. She was so proud of herself when she finished, and we were so proud of her! She had a great time and we're looking forward to future races.

Thank you to Jennifer Ng for the photos, and Krys Lyons for the video of Rini practicing. I wasn't expecting to have "evidence" of our fun day, and it was such a delight to have these to share!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Quinn at home

Here is a photo of Quinn at six months old. Thank you Manni & Mike for taking such good care of him!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gracie at home

Here's Miss Gracie! She was Darcy in our litter, and is happily leading the way for her little brother Jethro in her household. We hear she's just as spirited and smart as she always was at home with us.

Gracie at 5 months old

Fiona at home

Fiona is still Fiona, still thinks she is the cutest thing in the world, and we don't contradict her. She's at home here at Timbreblue in South Carolina with Jo and Derek.

Fiona with her daddy Derek in SC

Milo at home

Milo is the center of attention in his household in Maryland! Here's a photo of his photogenic little self. He poses pretty well, I think he's used to the camera.

Milo at home in Maryland

Sephie at home

This is "Sephie" aka "Persephone" who was Anya. She is loving life being the center of attention for Tori and Adrien and her Corgi brother Sky.

Sephie at home in Virginia

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quinn at home

I'm posting some updated photos of the puppies with their new families. Getting photos of the babies makes me so happy!!

Here is Quinn with his new mommy. His big sister Enza says he's ok, he can stay. =)
Quinn at home with the McNeils